J. L. Boone, Ph.D., Ecology
Small Mammal Trapping:

Jekyll Island, Georgia 1988 Project Completion Report
Jim Boone
University of Georgia, Museum of Natural History, Athens, GA 30302

March 18, 1988

Mr. Owens
Jekyll Island Authority
Jekyll Island, GA 31520

Dear Mr. Owens,

I'm sorry that I neglected to let you know when I finished trapping and left Jekyll. I left early on Saturday the 12th.

As I told you, I needed 25-30 mice (Peromyscus gossypinus), but I ended up with 45. On the first three nights, I caught a total of 20, but on the fourth night, I caught 25. The 45 catches took 1023 trap-nights for an overall success rate of 4.4%. By comparison, I caught 31 on St. Simons in 285 trap-nights (10.8%), and 30 by Everett in 400 trap-nights (7.5%).

It appears that your mouse population is lower than these other two places, but this is not conclusive as the lower rates may have been due to the rain or my bad luck. On the fourth night, I got 20 mice in 100 traps. At any rate, your populations seem to be secure in spite of the development.

Thanks again for the opportunity to trap on your island.


Jim Boone

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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