J. L. Boone, Ph.D., Ecology
Small Mammal Trapping

Everglades National Park, Dade County, Florida

11 July 1991

Project Completion Report

Jim Boone, Joshua Laerm, and Kevin Roe
University of Georgia Museum of Natural History, Athens, GA 30302

On the night of 10 July 1991, 19 cotton mice (Peromyscus gossypinus) and 1 cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) were captured in Everglades National Park under NPS permit number 910037 and Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission permit number WX 91-120. No other animals were captured in the park. The cotton rat was released at the site of capture. All cotton mouse specimens will be housed at the Univeristy of Georgia Museum of Natural History.

Information on specific trap sites is provided in Table 1, and data from the P. gossypinus are provided in Table 2.

Table 1. Trap locations, trap effort, and number of captures.

Site                                      # traps   P. gossypinus   S. hispidus
Main Road at Park Boundary                   40            2              0
Hammock on road near Long Pine Key Camp      50            3              0
E & S of Royal Palm parking Area            300           14              1

Total:                                      390           19              1

Table 2. Data from cotton mice.

Jim              Location                Sex    Age    Weight  Repro.	Parasites
Boone #                                                 (g)  Condition
JB 1776  Main road at park boundary       F   Subadult  19.3           bot scar
JB 1777  Main road at park boundary       F   Subadult  20.7
JB 1778  Hammock near Long Pine Key Camp  M   Adult     40.2  scrotal
JB 1779  Hammock near Long Pine Key Camp  F   Adult     25.1
JB 1780  Hammock near Long Pine Key Camp  M   Adult     26.1  scrotal  5 ticks
JB 1781  Royal Palm Hammock area          M   Adult     24.8           bot, worms
JB 1782  Royal Palm Hammock area          M   Adult     32.2           bot
JB 1783  Royal Palm Hammock area          F   Adult     33.9
JB 1784  Royal Palm Hammock area          M   Adult     24.7           bot scar, worms
JB 1785  Royal Palm Hammock area          M   Adult     32.2           bot, liver disease
JB 1786  Royal Palm Hammock area          F   Adult     27.9
JB 1787  Royal Palm Hammock area          F   Adult     21.8           small bot
JB 1788  Royal Palm Hammock area          M   Adult     23.1
JB 1789  Royal Palm Hammock area          M   Adult     24.6
JB 1790  Royal Palm Hammock area          M   Adult     22.7
JB 1791  Royal Palm Hammock area          M   Adult     27.4          mainge on leg,hip
JB 1792  Royal Palm Hammock area          M   Adult     25.2          bot+fresh bot scar
JB 1793  Royal Palm Hammock area          M   Adult     23.2          small bot
JB 1794  Royal Palm Hammock area          M   Adult     35.8          worms

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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