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Unidentified Scarab Beetle
(Superfamily Scarabaeoidea)
Invertebrates Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Scarab Beetle

General: Most Scarabs have stout bodies, are oval or elongated-oval, and are dark in color, although some are brightly colored or patterned. Scarab Beetles are recognized by the front tibia, which are widened and have teeth on the outer edges, and by the last segments of the antennae that are often flattened and can be expanded to a fan-shaped structure or rolled up to form a club; the entire antennae can be folded under for protection. The front legs of many species are broad and used for digging. Some species have horns, which the males use to fight in contests for females.

Scarab Beetle Scarab Beetle
Scarab Beetle Scarab Beetle

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240202

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