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Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Shrubs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)

General: Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta) is a spindly subshrub of damp places. The leaves have very long petioles, and the blade is small and arrowhead shaped.

Bush Arrowleaf is a sunflower, but it has disk flowers only.

Bush Arrowleaf is a fairly common component of vegetation communities in wet or damp places, including places such as rocky, north-facing (therefore cooler) rock faces in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub) life zones.

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae)

Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)

Other Names: Hofmeisteria pluriseta

Plant Form: Usually a small, spindly shrub

Height: to about 2 feet tall


Stems: thin and lanky

Leaves: Arrowhead shapes with a long petiole

Flowers: Disk flowers only (no petals on this sunflower)

Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)


Habitat: damp or cooler microhabitats

Elevation: to about 4,000 ft

Distribution: California to Utah and Arizona


Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Typical habitat in shady canyon
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Typical habitat in shady canyon
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Unusual location where plant is growing in full sun
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Plant appears dead during winter
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Unusually large Bush Arrowleaf
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Unusually large Bush Arrowleaf
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta) Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta) Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Flower buds
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Flower buds are sticky glandular
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Flower buds are sticky glandular
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Flower bud almost ready to open
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Flower ready to open
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Flower ready to open
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Bush Arrowleaf flowers
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Bush Arrowleaf flowers
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Bush Arrowleaf flowers
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Bush Arrowleaf flowers
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Spent flowers
Bush Arrowleaf (Pleurocoronis pluriseta)
Spent flowers

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
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