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Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Shrubs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)

General: Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii) is an upright shrub or subtree with green, holly-like spiny leaves (leaflets) and small yellow flowers set atop little stalks.

Fremont's Mahonia is a fairly common component of shrub communities on well-drained sandy, gravelly, and rocky soils on upper bajadas and moderate slopes into the lower mountains in the Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub and Pinyon-Juniper Woodland) life zone.

Family: Barberry (Berberidaceae).

Other Names: Barberry, Berberis

Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)

Plant Form: Upright shrub or subtree; deciduous.

Height: Usually 6-8 feet, to 15 feet.

Bark: Brown to gray.

Stems: Upright, branching, generally open.

Leaves: Pinnately compound with 3-7 leaflets. Leaf to 5 inches long; leaflets to 3 inches long; petiole 1/2 inch. Leaflets oblong; margin with spine-tipped lobes (holly-like).

Flowers: Blooms spring and early summer. Inflorescence: 2-inches long raceme with 8–12 flowers. Buds yellow, spherical. Flowers yellow, 5 yellow petals.

Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)

Seeds: Fruit: spherical, yellowish to purple, to about 1/2-inch diameter. Seeds small (about 1/10 inch).

Habitat: Dry, well-drained sandy, gravelly, and rocky soils on upper bajadas, rocky areas, and moderate slopes in the lower mountains.

Elevation: 3,000 to 6,000 feet.

Distribution: California to Colorado, and south into Mexico.


Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii) Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Fremont's Mahonia in bloom
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Fremont's Mahonia with Utah Junipers
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii) Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii) Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii) Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Stiff leaves with sharp spines
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Stiff leaves with sharp spines
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Developing fruits
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Developing fruits
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Developing fruits
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Ripe fruits
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Ripe fruits
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Ripe fruits
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Leaves turn reddish during winter
Fremont's Mahonia (Mahonia fremontii)
Leaves turn reddish during winter

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
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