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Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Perennial Forbs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed: dark green mounds along the shoulder of a desert highway

General: Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii), or Datura, is a rounded, dark green shrub-like perennial forb. The leaves are large and dark green, the flowers are large, white trumpets, and the fruit is a thorny apple. The flowers which are pollinated by moths and beetles, open in the afternoon and evening, then wilt the following day.

Jimson Weed is a fairly common component of vegetation communities in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub) life zones. Watch for it along roadsides.

Jimson Weed is toxic -- don't mess with it.

Family: Nightshade (Solenaceae).

Other Names: Datura, thorn-apple, sacred datura.

Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Flowers large, trumpet shaped

Plant Form: Rounded shrub.

Height: Usually about 2-3 feet high.

Stems: Many branched branches.

Leaves: Oval, usually simple, to about 7 inches long and 4 inches wide.

Flowers: Blooms spring to fall. Inflorescence: solitary flowers from branch forks. Flowers large, trumpet shaped.

Seeds: Fruit a hard, spiky, apple-sized capsule. Seeds inside the capsule look a bit like stacked corn kernels.

Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Developing fruit

Habitat: Sand and gravel areas, roadsides where shrubs are graded away.

Elevation: Below about 7,000 ft.

Distribution: California to Utah, and south into Mexico.

Comments: Jimson Weed is toxic -- don't mess with it.

Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed: dark green mounds along a gravel road
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Rounded plant with large, dark green leaves
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii) Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii) Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii) Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Leaf dorsal surface: broad, thick leaves
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Leaf ventral surface: broad, thick leaves
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii) Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed fresh and spent flowers
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed fresh flower
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed fresh flower base
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed fresh flower tip (flowers emerge rolled up)
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed entire plant
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed entire plant
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Broad, thick leaves
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed with buds and flowers
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Long, tubular flowers
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Tubular flower
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii) Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii) Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Developing fruit
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Developing fruit
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Fruit: seed pod with spiny exterior
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Fruit: seed pod with spiny exterior
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
During winter, the plant dies back, but the roots can remain alive
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Dried, ripe fruit
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Dried, ripe fruit
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
Dried, ripe fruit showing seeds inside
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
As expected for a perennial, plant re-sprouting from roots
Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)
As expected for a perennial, plant re-sprouting from roots

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
copyright; Last updated 240621

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