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White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Hiking Around Las Vegas, Lake Mead NRA
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Access Road along Hwy 93 to Trailhead Parking

Due to extreme temperatures, this area is closed during summer. Link to details (DPF).

White Rock Canyon Trailhead is located in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, but south of Hoover Dam along Highway 93 on the Arizona side of the Colorado River, about 45 minutes southeast of Las Vegas.

From town, drive out towards Lake Mead. Stay on Highway I-11 (Highway 93) and drive south over the Colorado River bridge into Arizona. At about Mile Post 4 (Site 0745), watch for a left turn across the highway and a paved road leading to a large parking area (Site 1038) east of the highway. Park here; this is the trailhead.

Link to trailhead map.

White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Hikers Starting onto Trail

Use caution crossing the highway - oncoming traffic is traveling at more than 70 mph! If you miss the turnoff, continue south on Highway 93 for about 6 miles to a U-turn crossover.

White Rock Canyon Trailhead provides access to several destinations in the White Rock Wash area, including Liberty Bell Arch, Liberty Bell Overlook, Spooky Canyon, and several routes to Arizona Hot Springs (White Rock Canyon Route, Hot Springs Canyon Washes Route, and Hot Springs Canyon Mountains Route). Horse Thief Canyon Road also starts here.

Vehicle break-ins seem to be increasing at this trailhead, perhaps because of easy access to the highway. Never leaves anything of value visible inside a vehicle. Some suggest leaving the windows down.

Because of extreme summer temperatures, many hikers have required rescue here in recent years. The extreme temperatures also put the lives of rescue personnel at risk. Therefore, the National Park Service closes White Rock Canyon during summer and locks the trailhead gate.

White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Highway sign (view S)
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Left turn onto Trailhead Access Road (view S)
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Left turn onto Trailhead Access Road (view S)
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Trailhead access road (view SE)
White Rock Canyon Trailhead closure
Sign on access road: area closed during August
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Cattle guard at entrance to trailhead parking
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Entering the trailhead parking
White Rock Canyon TrailheadTrailhead parking
White Rock Canyon Trailhead White Rock Canyon Trailhead
White Rock Canyon Trailhead White Rock Canyon Trailhead
White Rock Canyon Trailhead White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Approaching trailhead kiosk (view SE)
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Accessible outhouse
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Historical White Rock Canyon Bridge, on the right (view S)
White Rock Canyon Trailhead closure
Sign at trailhead: area closed during August
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Hiker at trailhead kiosk sign
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Trailhead kiosk sign
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Trailhead (view NW from trailhead kiosk)
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Historical White Rock Canyon Bridge, on the right (view S)
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Trailhead sign about White Rock Canyon Bridge (view S)

Approaching White Rock Canyon Trailhead from the South

White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Approaching the trailhead northbound
White Rock Canyon Trailhead
Approaching the trailhead northbound

Table 1. Highway Coordinates (NAD27; UTM Zone 11S). Download Highway GPS Waypoints (*.gpx) file.

Site # Location Latitude (N) Longitude (W) UTM Easting UTM Northing Elevation (feet) Verified
0745 Hwy 93 at White Rock Trailhead 35.98092 114.70009 707358 3984078 1,527 Yes
1038 White Rock Canyon Trailhead Parking 35.98028 114.69717 707623 3984013 1,544 Yes

Happy Hiking! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240328

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