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Birding Around Cave Creek: Southwestern Research Station
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Southwestern Resesearch Station
Southwestern Resesearch Station


The Southwestern Research Station is an American Museum of Natural History research facility focusing on the ecology of the southwestern mountains and ecosystems. The station acts as a B&B when the facilities are not filled with visiting researchers.

Being good neighbors, they put out seed and nectar to attract birds, and they allow the public to walk into the area and watch the birds. Visiting birders should park near the entrance, then walk past the gift shop and down the main road. The hummingbird feeders are on the left past the office and maintenance building at the end of the main road.

The grounds are good for hummingbirds, and Magnificent Hummingbird, Blue-throated Hummingbird, and Black-chinned Hummingbirds can be abundant. The feeders are in wire cages to discourage Coati.

Link to Chiricahua Mountains Area Map, or link to official website for rates and other details.
Southwestern Resesearch StationHerb Martyr Road at entrance to SW Research Station (view SW) Southwestern Resesearch Station
Entrance to SW Research Station (view SE from Herb Martyr Road)
Southwestern Resesearch Station
SW Research Station sign (view SW)
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Old sign at entrance to SW Research Station; sentiment is the same
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Approaching SW Research Station Gift Shop (view SE)
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Plant identification display outside the SW Research Station
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Plant identification display outside the SW Research Station
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Plant identification display outside the SW Research Station
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Scat identification display outside the SW Research Station
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Road to birding area (view SE)
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Sign on the left (view SE)
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Sign on the right; birders must walk in (view SE)
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Walking down the road towards the Office (view SE)
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Office building; birding is past the office on the left
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Birding area (view NE)
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Birding area (view NE)
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Birding area (view N; the boardwalk is out of order)
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Magnificent Hummingbird on nectar feeder
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Various hummingbirds at a feeder
Southwestern Resesearch Station
Yellow-eyed Junco

Happy birding! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240605

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