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Birding Around Portal: the Rodrigues Feeders
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Rodrigues Feeders
Rodrigues Feeders
Rodrigues Feeders: enter through the public gate


The Rodrigues Feeders, or Rodrigues' Feeders, are a gift from the landowner to birders of the world. The previous owner (The Jasper Family) started these feeders years ago, and the new owners have graciously maintained the tradition. Open hours are 6:30am to 7:30pm.

From Portal Town, drive east on Portal Road for 0.75 miles to a left turn onto Foothills Road. Leaving downtown Portal eastbound, there is a fenced field on the right. When the fence ends, Foothills Road is on the left.

Drive north on Foothills Road for 0.5 miles. The road dips to cross Cave Creek Wash, and before entirely climbing out of the wash, the parking area is on the right (2275 Foothills Rd, Portal, AZ 85632).

Park, walk through the public gate on the right, and follow the trail around to the right. Chairs and a table are arranged under a shady tree. Be careful when exiting the parking area because visibility on the road isn't the best.

Rodrigues Feeders
Rodrigues House -- don't block their driveway

The feeders are good for lots of desert species, and this is the epicenter of Crissal Thrasher and Abert's Towhee sightings in the area.

Also watch for various hummingbirds, Gambel's Quail, Northern Cardinal, Pyrrhuloxia, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, House Finch, Cactus Wren, Canyon Towhee, Abert's Towhee, Hooded Oriole, Scott's Oriole, Lesser Goldfinch, Verdin, Black-throated Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, White-winged Dove, White-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, and Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

Also watch for Harris' Antelope Squirrel, and based on the fencing, it looks like they have trouble with coati.

Link to Portal Town Map.

Rodrigues Feeders
Address and signs
Rodrigues Feeders
Public entrance is to the right
Rodrigues Feeders
Public entrance gate
Rodrigues Feeders
Sign on entrance gate
Rodrigues Feeders
Birder on trail to the feeders
Rodrigues Feeders
Approaching the bird feeder observation area
Rodrigues Feeders
Don't forget, please help with the cost of feeding the birds
Rodrigues Feeders
Table and chairs in the observation area
Rodrigues Feeders
Bird feeders are behind a wire fence
Rodrigues Feeders
View north from the the observation area
Rodrigues Feeders
Left side of the bird feeder area
Rodrigues Feeders
Right side of the bird feeder area
Rodrigues Feeders
The tree provides shade during late spring and summer
Rodrigues Feeders
Feeders and dense shrubs during late spring
Rodrigues Feeders
Broad-billed Hummingbird at nectar feeder
Rodrigues Feeders
Scott's Oriole at jelly feeder
Rodrigues Feeders
Hooded Oriole at nectar feeder
Rodrigues Feeders
Birds stacked on a seed feeder
Rodrigues Feeders
Male Pyrrhuloxia at seed feeder
Rodrigues Feeders
Female Pyrrhuloxia at seed feeder
Rodrigues Feeders
Three species of sparrows stacked on a seed feeder
Rodrigues Feeders
Curve-billed Thrasher in the trees
Rodrigues Feeders
Verdin at jelly feeder
Rodrigues Feeders
Abert's Towhee watching from the trees
Rodrigues Feeders
Ladder-backed Woodpecker at a suet feeder
Rodrigues Feeders
Northern Cardinal and Black-throated Sparrow on seed feeder
Rodrigues Feeders
Harris' Antelope Squirrel taking over a seed feeder
Rodrigues Feeders
Black-throated Sparrow on seed feeder
Rodrigues Feeders
Cactus Wren calling from the bushes
Rodrigues Feeders
Male Gambel's Quail at drinker

Happy birding! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240607

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