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Birding Around Portal: Cave Creek Ranch
Birding Around Las Vegas, Favorite Places Far Away
Cave Creek Ranch
Cave Creek Ranch
Birders at the feeders; office in the background (view NW)


Cave Creek Ranch is a lodge that caters to birders and puts out seed, nectar, peanut butter, and jelly feeders to attract birds and other creatures to the office area. Visitors are welcome from 10am to 4pm at $5 each, to watch birds near the office. Birders are not welcome around the cabins.

Watch for various hummingbirds, Gambel's Quail, White-winged Dove and Inca Dove, Pine Siskin, Acorn Woodpecker, White-crowned Sparrow, Curve-billed Thrasher, Northern Cardinal, House Finch, Mexican Jay, and Wild Turkey. Watch for Coati, White-tailed Deer, Rock Squirrel, and Cliff Chipmunk too.

The birding can be good, and for $5, it probably is worth relaxing in the shade on a hot afternoon and watching birds. Groups larger than 6 should call ahead: (520) 558-2334; Toll free in USA: (855) 558-2334.

Link to Portal Town Map.

Cave Creek Ranch
Cave Creek Road at Cave Creek Ranch Road (view S)
Cave Creek Ranch
It costs $5/person to bird here (call ahead for larger groups)
Cave Creek Ranch
Entering the lodge area (view N)
Cave Creek Ranch
Road entering the lodge area (view NE)
Cave Creek Ranch
Feeders and office building (view NW from entrance road)
Cave Creek Ranch
Birders parking area (view N)
Cave Creek Ranch
Feeders and office building (view SW from parking area)
Cave Creek Ranch
Cave Creek Ranch office (view SW)
Cave Creek Ranch
Recent sighting board and info on the front porch of the office
Cave Creek Ranch
Drop your $5/person into this box
Cave Creek Ranch
Bird feeders (view NW towards office building)
Cave Creek Ranch
Birders in front porch of the office building (view NW)
Cave Creek Ranch
Bird feeders (view SE from office porch)
Cave Creek Ranch
Chairs near bird feeders (view SE from office porch)
Cave Creek Ranch
Bird feeders
Cave Creek Ranch
Office building and feeders (view SE from behind the office)
Cave Creek Ranch
Departing the front porch heading for the parking area (view NE)
Cave Creek Ranch
Open field beyond the parking area (view N)
Cave Creek Ranch
Rivoli's Hummingbird
Cave Creek Ranch
Broad-billed hummingbird
Cave Creek Ranch
Female Hooded Oriole at jelly feeder
Cave Creek Ranch
Acorn woodpecker at peanut butter feeder
Cave Creek Ranch
Broad-billed hummingbird at nectar feeder
Cave Creek Ranch
Stately Inca Dove in the trees
Cave Creek Ranch
White-winged Dove near jelly feeder
Cave Creek Ranch
Mr. Gambel's Quail on lookout near seed feeders
Cave Creek Ranch
Canyon Towhee in the stick pile
Cave Creek Ranch
Curve-billed Thrasher collecting bugs in the trees (nest nearby)
Cave Creek Ranch
Coati working on jelly feeder
Cave Creek Ranch
Arizona Cliff Chipmunk on the fruit feeder

Happy birding! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240612

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