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Patagonia Area Birding - Paton Center for Hummingbirds
Paton Center for Hummingbirds
Birding Around Las Vegas, Favorite Places Far Away
Patagonia Area Birding
Elegant Trogon


The Paton family lived in the town of Patagonia and put out hummingbird and seed feeders -- then graciously opened the yard to birders. The Patons have passed, but the Tucson Audubon Society bought the property and maintains it as a hummingbird sanctuary, now called the Paton Center for Hummingbirds.

The Paton house is set in a rural residential area with scattered houses, trees, shrubs, and other amenities of rural living. The feeders (nectar, seed, fruit, and suet) on the back of her house, attract a variety of hummingbirds, including Violet-crowned Hummingbirds and Broad-billed Hummingbirds. Trees, ponds, and brush piles in and around the yard provide food and cover to attract birds.

Trails on and around the property lead birders into more natural settings.

Gates are open sunrise to sunset. It's customary to leave a few bucks in the 'sugar jar' to help pay for filling the feeders.

Paton House
Welcome sign


Ms. Paton lived in Patagonia on Pennsylvania Avenue. From Highway 82 in Patagonia, turn north on 4th Avenue; turn left and drive west on Pennsylvania Avenue. The road dips to cross Sonoita Creek and becomes Blue Heaven Road. Immediately on the left, birders arrive at the Paton house.

The parking lot is on the Paton property, but parking spills over onto both sides of the road. The address is 477 Pennsylvania Ave, Patagonia, AZ 85624. Link to Map.


Gates generally are open sunrise to sunset. If the driveway gate is open, birders are welcome to visit the area.

Paton House
Lots and lots of hummingbirds


Ms. Paton graciously allowed birders into her backyard (then a private residence) for free, but there is a donation jar. The tradition continues.

For More Information

Visit the Tucson Audubon Society.

Paton House
Pennsylvania Ave (view W)
Paton House
Pennsylvania Ave crossing Sonoita Creek Wash (view NW)
Paton House
Pennsylvania Ave across Sonoita Creek Wash (now Blue Heaven Road)
Paton House
Blue Heaven Road at Paton House (view W)
Paton House
On-property and on-street parking
Paton House
Welcome sign
Paton House
Walking into the Paton House area
Paton House
Entrance kiosk with information about the area
Paton House
Paton House map (trails extend off the original property)
Paton House
The Paton House
Paton House
Trail to the backyard runs on the right side of the house
Paton House
Paton's Birder Haven banner
Paton House
Recent bird observations
Paton House
Trail into the backyard and covered seating
Paton House
Welcome station with binoculars and bird books to borrow
Paton House
Birders in the shade
Paton House
Back side of the Paton house with bird feeders
Paton House
Hummingbird feeder with webcam
Paton House
A Bewick's Wren foraging on the back of the Paton house
Paton House
Back side of the Paton house with bird feeders
Paton House
Birders in the shade with main hummingbird feeder station
Paton House
Main hummingbird feeder station
Paton House
Hummingbird feeders
Paton House
Feeder with Broad-billed and Violet-crowned hummingbirds
Paton House
The back of the backyard with feeders and brushpiles
Paton House
Seed feeder with Lazuli Bunting, House Finch, and Chipping Sparrow
Paton House
Suet feeder with Gila and Ladder-backed woodpeckers
Paton House
Lots of Arizona Gray Squirrels and a few Rock Squirrels
Paton House
Another brushpile and woods
Paton House
Water feature
Paton House
Trails lead off the main Paton property
Paton House
Trails behind the main Paton property
Paton House
Birders in the front yard
Paton House
Don't overlook other birds: Northern Cardinal
Paton House
Public toilets in the parking area
Paton House
Lots of vehicles parked along the road during midday
Marion Paton's House
Historical photo: Paton House during the Paton times
Marion Paton's House
Historical sign: Marion Paton's Birder's Haven
Marion Paton's House
Historical photo: Paton backyard during the Paton times
Patagonia Area Birding
Historical photo: Birding Paton's backyard during the Paton times

Happy birding! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240508

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